Saturday, July 12, 2008

Summer Days

Another Day at the Beach

I would really much prefer to live closer to family, but since we don't I'm glad it's close to the beach. It's so much fun.

Would you like a little sand
with your sandwich.


Don't ask me, I just took the picture,

but apparantly she doesn't mind sand in the mouth.

And then a little peace and quiet for mom and dad.


This is What Happens...

when a close eye is not kept on Brooke. Evidently she turned on the back burner starting a little fire and tons of smoke. Thankfully it was Alex who found the flames and calmly extinguished the fire because I'm pretty sure I would have panicked. Good news though, I get a new dishrack. The old one was getting a little small for our growing family. And just for the record I don't usually keep the rack on the stove top, I just needed some extra counter space today.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Personal Best

A New Record For Me
I had my week's laundry (just clothes) all washed, dried, folded and put away by 9:30 am. Yep, you read that right 9:30 AM. This is my personal best record. To qualify, however, I had it all sorted and ready to go yesterday when I found out that the laundry room in our apartment complex was closed for repairs. So first thing this morning my laundry was ready to go. I climbed out of bed and in my pajamas (I'm sure no one could tell) walked down the short sidewalk to our laundry room and got an early start (truth be told I only got myself out of bed at 7 today). It also helped that my husband was home and was feeding the kids breakfast while I was folding the first batch. And thankfully the two older kiddo's are big enought to fold the entire white load and put them away. Although, I have often longed for the day when I don't have to go down the outside stairs, down the sidewalk and through the parking lot to do launry, I do enjoy being able to wash 3 loads at a time. It sure does speed things along. So really it wasn't just my personal record it was a group effort. I'm not trying to gloat, although, I have a very sinful heart so I'm sure there is that selfish motivation, but I'm again trying to monument that not all days end in a flop. There are days when things run smoothly and I get to enjoy the fact that my plans hadn't battled against God's plans.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

More Please

One of Those Days

Every once in a while one of these kind of days happen. It's been a joy to be a mom today and I'm documenting it so I'll remember the good times. Somehow my mind remembers the tougher days, but let this be a monument that there are good days. The kids were by far not perfect (although this picture was the first shot in the series), but they were better behaved than normal.

Silly Things I'm Thankful For

1. The swimming pool in our apartment complex and for how well the kids sleep after a long evening swim.

2. A son who can sweep the kitchen floor (I hate that chore for some reason).

3. Fruit loops (I'm sure a bowl of fruit loops has got to be less calories than a bowl of ice cream)

4. Fixed plumbing in the apartment complex laundry room, clean laundry soon to follow.

5. Air Conditioning!!! (And a gracious husband who after seeing the electric bill still lets me run the air conditioner)

6. Days like today :)

This is Elias and Emma mimicing their silly Grandma and Grandpa with Elise.