Saturday, May 31, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
It Worked
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
House Guests !!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Vacation part 3
The one year old stage is my favorite. They are soooo cute and just enough independent to make it helpful (most of the time).
Somehow I didn't get any pictures of Elias's awesome canon balls. But we did get a little bit of a souvenir. **Warning** Did you know that five days of living in a swimming pool can cause a very severe ear infection? Apparently constant swimming and not drying the ear out wears down all the ear wax and makes the ear canal all pruney (kind of like what your hands look like after washing the mound of Thanksgiving dishes). My poor 5 year old has a horrible case of swimmer's ear. He is usually my tough cookie, but after 48 hours of treatment he is still crying from the pain.
The warm up.
Vacation part 2
Monday, May 19, 2008
Vacation Part 1
3 star: parked 15 feet away from our door
4 star: paid $18 to park in the parking garage across the street
3 star: kids learned not to be sluggards and helped carried in all the bags
4 star: had to tip the bell hop to bring our luggage up
3 star: free continental breakfast which included waffles and eggs
4 star: could have continental breakfast (pastry, fruit, juice and coffee) brought to room for only $15/person
3 star: heated swimming pool with jacuzzi
4 star: bigger pool, but not quite as warm - no jacuzzi
3 star: free wireless in room
4 star: free wireless only in the lobby nine floors below our room; in the room there was a charge for using the wired hookup
3 star: almost 100 channels, but really the 10 home shopping networks don't count
4 star: about 50 channels
3 star: free medium size fridge - no complaints except it didn't keep my ben & jerry's cold and I ended up drinking my splurge
4 star: fee for key to mini-bar, however, room was stocked with a tray full of snacks and water bottles. Just before we dived in I saw the price list for each item and quickly put it all out of reach of little kids who don't understand that paying $4.50 for a bottle of water and $6 for a handfull of jelly belly's is just ridiculas.
The bed
3 star: I wanted to steal the pillows. My husband reminded me that was stealing. Duh, that's what I said, "I want to steal these pillows"
4 star: luxurious and in my mind worth the 4 stars. In my sheltered life I have never been to a hotel that provided bathrobes. I reminded myself that the bathrobe had been throughly cleaned since someone else's naked body had been in it. My husband laughed at me as I lounged in the oh so comfy bed with the hotel provided bathrobe and pronounced the hotel 4 star worthy. It helped that the kids were fast asleep at this point and I was in my luxurious sheets with no kids crawling on me. It was quiet and I was comfy.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
A Day at the Zoo
Thursday, May 1, 2008

Last night at Awana it was bring your mommy to Cubbies night. It was fun having Emma sit on my lap and finally understand all the songs and stories she was coming home with. During the story time the teacher was using a powerpoint presentation to show all the things you do with your mommy. One of the things he mentioned was prayer and this is the picture he showed. Emma yelled out the first thing that came to her mind, "She's naked." Everyone laughed and the teacher tried to recover saying that she was praying in the bathtub. By then my face was already red and I was trying to give a quick lesson to my daughter that we don't shout out things during lesson time. A lesson I'm sure to repeat because after all she is my daughter. But what was the teacher thinking? I googled "girl praying", which is where I found this exact image he used. There were tons of other pictures he could have used. And I'm sure tonight during baths my 4 year old will question why we don't pray in the bathtub. Maybe we should, but I'm sure we won't be taking any pictures of it.