My baby is growing up.
June 22, 2006
The above picture is over a year old, but is the beginning of this story. A few months before Elias's 4th birthday Alex was throwing some things away in our dumpster when he found a bike. A picture of my husband dumpster diving would have added to this post but I'm sure there is no way I would be able to get my husband to reenact his dumpster diving for a picture. But back to the story... Alex couldn't figure out why someone would throw a perfectly new bicycle away. It still had all the wrappings and obviously had never been ridden. After bringing it inside he realized the chain wouldn't stay on. Alex got out his tools and was able to do some adjustments and fix it. I'd like to say we gave it to Elias the next day, but being the economists that we are we hid it until his birthday. And so yes, one of his birthday presents came from the dumpster, but to our credit it was not his only present and we did spend money on at least one of his presents.

October 24, 2007
Elias loved his bike, but eventually one of the training wheels broke and since then has been riding it with just one training wheel. Today the kids were out riding their bikes and on a whim I decided to take the remaining training wheel off. I didn't have much hope that he would learn to ride without it today, mostly because it's quite hot and I didn't envision myself running up and down the sidewalk. However, it only required me running up and down the block 3 or 4 times and he quickly got the hang of it. I think I'm going to start training him for the Tour de France next week.
Watch out for those corners.
Wow, how my little boy has grown. Looking back at the above pictures I realized it looks like Elias doesn't have much of a wardrobe. I assure you ,however, the Lord is very gracious and Elias has more than one t-shirt.